Are You Getting The Most Out of Your Life?
A simple questionnaire to while away an idle moment or two that might change your life.
1. At a party you hear music with a strong dance rhythm. Do you:
- a. Begin to dance happily with the nearest person to you.
- b. Tap your feet and click your fingers wishing you had the nerve to ask someone to dance.
- c. Retreat to another room away from the noise.
2. The party is fancy dress. Have you:
- a. Created/hired the most flamboyant costume imaginable.
- b. Created a costume from your wardrobe which can quickly be converted into "normal" clothes just in case no-one else shows up in fancy dress.
- c. Not gone to the party as there is a documentary on TV that you want to watch that night.
3. Your circle of friends could be best described as:
- a. Wide and varied and includes people you met down the pub last night.
- b. Small but select group of people I have known for years.
- c. What’s a circle of friends?
4. Your local Amateur Drama group is looking for new members. Do you:
- a. Get down there immediately with a view to starring in their next production.
- b. Write the details down and some months later wonder why you never got in touch.
- c. Ignore it. Who needs drama when you’ve got Lara Croft?
5. Your favourite band/singer is in concert at a festival event. It means being away for a weekend. Do you:
- a. Congratulate yourself for having bought the ticket months ago as you always go to the festival.
- b. Consider going but then decide not to as you are getting on a bit or know that the kids would just play up all weekend.
- c. See if there is a webcast of the festival.
6. Tradition is something which:
- a. Should be preserved at all costs. Bring back plywood false teeth I say!
- b. Is nice to have behind you and serves as a reference as you go forward.
- c. Should be kept in museums, and stay there.
7. A friend rings up to ask you to make up the numbers in a team for a charity "It’s A Knockout" competition. Do you:
- a. Accept immediately then remember that you are in the office/works team and decide to appear for both.
- b. Agree to turn out but ask if you can be inside the silly costume so that no one will know it is you.
- c. What was that friend thing again?
8. Your exercise regime is best described as:
- a. Rigorous and aimed at honing my figure to that of a racing snake.
- b. I should do more exercise but I just don’t seem to be able to motivate my self.
- c. Sofa to kettle 3 times a night. Sofa to fridge 2 times a night.
9. Your idea of a good day’s fun is:
- a. Being with friends and having a great time.
- b. Getting out and about and seeing what the world has to offer.
- c. Beating my own best score in Tomb Raider.
10. On a night out at the pub do you:
- a. Start conversations with strangers.
- b. Join in if a stranger starts talking to you.
- c. I am not allowed in pubs.
11. Do you find young people:
- a. Stimulating to be with for their energy and fashion sense.
- b. Pleasant enough they are people after all.
- c. Irritating little know it alls.
12. Do you find older people:
- a. Stimulating to be with for their experience and wisdom.
- b. Pleasant enough they are people after all.
- c. Irritating old know it alls.
Mostly A’s
You are extrovert and sociable to the point of being painful. If you are not already in a Morris team you should be. If you are in a team think about a transfer to Wakefield Morris. If you are not in a team contact Wakefield Morris.
Mostly B’s
You are basically a happy soul but could probably use a bit more fun in your life. Why not take up a hobby that gives you fun and makes you part of a team? Contact Wakefield Morris.
Mostly C’s
You need to get out more. At the moment you are probably happiest with your computer. How did you get hold of this questionnaire? If you ever decide that life is more about living than existing contact Wakefield Morris for hints and tips on how to do this.
Wakefield Morris Dancers can be found at:
The Cluntergate Centre Horbury on Monday practise nights from 8.00 p.m September to May. (Check the diary for summer dance outs).
The web at http://www.wakefieldmorris.com
Chat to the dance master on 01924 278750
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